
​ CompletableFuture是Doug Lea在JDK1.8引入的,解决了FutureTask阻塞调用、多个Task依赖处理的痛点。

​ CompletableFuture源码中下面两个核心的关键属性result和stack,关于这两个属性也有核心的注释,result可能是返回的结果集,也可能是包装的AltResult,stack这个属性暴露出了CompletableFuture的整体的结构是一个栈。

volatile Object result;       // Either the result or boxed AltResult
volatile Completion stack;    // Top of Treiber stack of dependent actions

​ 测试例子如下,结果是”1 2 3”

public void test1() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
  CompletableFuture<String> base = new CompletableFuture<>();
  CompletableFuture<String> future1 = base.thenApply(s -> s + " 2");
  CompletableFuture<String> future2 = future1.thenApply(s -> s + " 3");

​ Completion是个抽象类,其实现子类很多,它有个重要的属性next是Completion,可以看出是个链表,next指向下一个引用,而CompletableFuture中的stack永远指向栈顶

abstract static class Completion extends ForkJoinTask<Void>
    implements Runnable, AsynchronousCompletionTask {
    volatile Completion next;      // Treiber stack link

     * Performs completion action if triggered, returning a
     * dependent that may need propagation, if one exists.
     * @param mode SYNC, ASYNC, or NESTED
    abstract CompletableFuture<?> tryFire(int mode);

    /** Returns true if possibly still triggerable. Used by cleanStack. */
    abstract boolean isLive();

    public final void run()                { tryFire(ASYNC); }
    public final boolean exec()            { tryFire(ASYNC); return true; }
    public final Void getRawResult()       { return null; }
    public final void setRawResult(Void v) {}

​ thenApply有三个方法,以Async结尾的表示异步执行,如果传入Executor则以指定线程池执行,否则默认使用的线程池是ForkJoinPool

public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenApply(
    Function<? super T,? extends U> fn) {
    return uniApplyStage(null, fn);

public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenApplyAsync(
    Function<? super T,? extends U> fn) {
    return uniApplyStage(asyncPool, fn);

public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenApplyAsync(
    Function<? super T,? extends U> fn, Executor executor) {
    return uniApplyStage(screenExecutor(executor), fn);

​ thenApply的实现如下

public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenApply(
    Function<? super T,? extends U> fn) {
    return uniApplyStage(null, fn);

private <V> CompletableFuture<V> uniApplyStage(Executor e, Function<? super T,? extends V> f) {
    if (f == null) throw new NullPointerException();
    CompletableFuture<V> d =  new CompletableFuture<V>();
    if (e != null || !d.uniApply(this, f, null)) {
        2. 构建UniApply e代表线程池 d 代表新的CompletableFuture this 代表当前,f 代表方法 这个时候 UniApply 内部的所有的引用都处于为null的状态
        UniApply<T,V> c = new UniApply<T,V>(e, d, this, f);
        3. c其实就是Completion对象被push到栈中
        4. 尝试执行c
    5. 这个d会一直返回到调用thenApply的地方后续的链式调用会作用在这个d上面
    return d;

final void push(UniCompletion<?,?> c) {
  if (c != null) {
    while (result == null && !tryPushStack(c))
      lazySetNext(c, null); // clear on failure

final boolean tryPushStack(Completion c) {
  Completion h = stack;
  lazySetNext(c, h);
  return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, STACK, h, c);

static void lazySetNext(Completion c, Completion next) {
  UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(c, NEXT, next);

static final class UniApply<T,V> extends UniCompletion<T,V> {
    Function<? super T,? extends V> fn;
    UniApply(Executor executor, CompletableFuture<V> dep,CompletableFuture<T> src,Function<? super T,? extends V> fn) {
        2.1 向上执行
        super(executor, dep, src); this.fn = fn;

abstract static class UniCompletion<T,V> extends Completion {
    Executor executor;                 // executor to use (null if none)
    CompletableFuture<V> dep;          // the dependent to complete
    CompletableFuture<T> src;          // source for action

    UniCompletion(Executor executor, CompletableFuture<V> dep,CompletableFuture<T> src) {
        2.2 dep就是新创建的d  src就是当前的this即base
        this.executor = executor; this.dep = dep; this.src = src;

​ 接下来分析4处的c.tryFire(SYNC), SYNC = 0, ASYNC = 1, NESTED = -1;

static final class UniApply<T,V> extends UniCompletion<T,V> {
    Function<? super T,? extends V> fn;
    UniApply(Executor executor, CompletableFuture<V> dep,
             CompletableFuture<T> src,
             Function<? super T,? extends V> fn) {
        super(executor, dep, src); this.fn = fn;
    final CompletableFuture<V> tryFire(int mode) {
        CompletableFuture<V> d; CompletableFuture<T> a;
        if ((d = dep) == null ||
            !d.uniApply(a = src, fn, mode > 0 ? null : this))
            return null;
        dep = null; src = null; fn = null;
        return d.postFire(a, mode);

​ uniApply方法实现如下

final <S> boolean uniApply(CompletableFuture<S> a,
                           Function<? super S,? extends T> f,
                           UniApply<S,T> c) {
    Object r; Throwable x;
    if (a == null || (r = a.result) == null || f == null)
        return false;
    tryComplete: if (result == null) {
        if (r instanceof AltResult) {
            if ((x = ((AltResult)r).ex) != null) {
                completeThrowable(x, r);
                break tryComplete;
            r = null;
        try {
            if (c != null && !c.claim())
                return false;
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") S s = (S) r;
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
    return true;

​ 最终形成的有依赖关系的图如下:


​ Debug的图


​ 当执行到单元测试的base.complete(“1”)时候,也就是complete方法,实现如下:

  1. completeValue方法将result设置为value
  2. postComplete方法,会触发一些列的计算,将先前计算好的结果作为参数传递给后面的
public boolean complete(T value) {
    boolean triggered = completeValue(value);
    return triggered;

final boolean completeValue(T t) {
  return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, RESULT, null,(t == null) ? NIL : t);

final void postComplete() {
    1. this表示当前的CompletableFuture, 也就是我们base
    CompletableFuture<?> f = this; Completion h;
    2. 判断stack是否为空  或者如果f的栈为空且不是this则重置
    while ((h = f.stack) != null ||
            (f != this && (h = (f = this).stack) != null)) {
        CompletableFuture<?> d; Completion t;
        3. CAS出栈
        if (f.casStack(h, t = h.next)) {
            if (t != null) {
                if (f != this) {
                h.next = null;    6. detach
            h.tryFire方法回到单元测试base中的result是1feture1会从src中获取result且传递给feture1中的Funtion做参数计算出result2接着调用调用feture2的postFire(a, mode)
            f = (d = h.tryFire(NESTED)) == null ? this : d;  7.调用tryFire